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COBALT BLUE Masons Patent 1858 Quart 24500,00r eserve not meat

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 COBALT BLUE Masons Patent 1858 Quart 24500,00r eserve not meat  Empty COBALT BLUE Masons Patent 1858 Quart 24500,00r eserve not meat

Message  andrelus Mer 27 Mar 2013 - 23:34

je vien de voir cette beaute or de prix si quelqun dentre vous en posede une je serai intereser mes certe pas ase prix i am see thi one in auction if any one off you have jack spott
5064. COBALT BLUE Masons Patent 1858 Quart
description tres rare
 COBALT BLUE Masons Patent 1858 Quart 24500,00r eserve not meat  Blue10

 COBALT BLUE Masons Patent 1858 Quart 24500,00r eserve not meat  Blue210

 COBALT BLUE Masons Patent 1858 Quart 24500,00r eserve not meat  Blue2_10



Closure: early lettered zinc cap

Appearance: shiny glass

Condition: normal roughness of the ground mouth with one thin flake on the inner edge not quite detached, as shown

Embossing: very strong

Base: "P" over "14"

Age: c1890-1910

Availability: Extremely rare. Only 3 examples are known to exist with this base embossing. This jar ranks among the most desirable of all collectible fruit jars, and is a superb example. Guaranteed to be authentic and over 100 years old. This jar, and a nearly identical version marked "P13" on the base, are believed to have been made to a special order(s) by Moore Brothers & Company of Clayton, NJ, around 1890-1910. The distinctive and unmistakeable lettering style is found on common aqua Masons Patent jars marked on the base with the Moore Bros name. The intended purpose of the jar in this color is unknown. Like the cobalt Millville jars, some collectors have speculated that these may have been made for a pharmaceutical or sterile gauze use. A rare opportunity to acquire a fantastic colored Mason jar. The last intact example placed up for auction was 15 years ago, when Alex Kerr's example was sold. These come up so seldom that its possible another opportunity to add one of these rarities to your collection might not occur again for decades. Full provenance is available to the winning bidder.

Estimate 25,000-35,000.


Messages : 1007
Points : 1619
Date d'inscription : 21/11/2010
Age : 53
Localisation : st amable

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 COBALT BLUE Masons Patent 1858 Quart 24500,00r eserve not meat  Empty Re: COBALT BLUE Masons Patent 1858 Quart 24500,00r eserve not meat

Message  bocoke Jeu 28 Mar 2013 - 4:37

Regarde le premier ebay,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.44342787,d.dmg&fp=94fed37b8bdda62&biw=1280&bih=800

Messages : 143
Points : 211
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2012

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